Do your plans for the new year include gaining better health? The biggest factor that affects your health is the food you choose to eat.
Here are some basic tips to help you make those choices...
Limit or eliminate:
• Anything processed. If you don't know the ingredients on the label, don't eat it. You can also follow the “rot rule”: If you can leave the food on the counter for several days without it rotting, it’s best avoided.
• Any type of soda (even diet) and processed fruit juice.
• Refined carbohydrates, which are typically white foods. White sugar, flour or cereals are all processed like sugar in your body.
• Too much salt, which can increase bloating.
Getting quality sleep and moving your body daily are also important for general health, but just focusing on these few suggestions is a great start and will go a long way in helping you improve your health. I would argue that doing this for even just a few days or a week will help you get better sleep as well as give you the energy and motivation you need to FEEL like moving every day! Why not give it a try?
If you're feeling like cravings will take you over, here is a short, helpful list of things to try when typical cravings come on:
If you crave:Try:
Sweet & Creamy A spoonful of any nut butter or guacamole
Salty Licorice tea with ginseng
Sugar 400 mg of chromium before meals
Alcohol 1,000mg of L-glutamine daily, Kudzu tea
Coffee hot water, lemon juice, a sprinkle of
cayenne pepper; a cup of miso soup
YOU CAN DO IT! thought/choice/bite at a time!