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Infrared sauna helps remove heavy metals and prevent cancer

Posted by: Lori Alton, staff writer in Detox Solutions December 13, 2016

Every day, our bodies are besieged by toxins, including heavy metals and industrial chemicals – a non-stop bombardment that can threaten to overwhelm the body’s natural defense system. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency notes that the average American has over 700 chemicals in his or her system – including arsenic, lead, mercury, aluminum and cadmium.

The accumulation of these toxic substances can set the stage for a host of serious diseases, including cancer and dementia. Fortunately, there is a safe and effective way to rid the body of heavy metals and other pollutants, relieving the burden on your immune system and helping to prevent and even treat cancer.

Infrared saunas detoxify and heal the body with therapeutic radiant heat

Traditional saunas, which use steam to induce sweating, require high temperatures – something many users find uncomfortable. In contrast, infrared sauna rays use radiant heat similar to that of the sun – but minus the harmful ultraviolet rays – allowing the infrared rays to penetrate the skin, heating from the inside out, as well as on the surface.

Experts advise temperatures of 105 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit as optimal for infrared saunas. The result is a higher comfort level and the ability to remain in the sauna longer for maximum therapeutic effects.

Cancer prevention: Infrared saunas kill mutated cancer cells

Millions of mutated cells exist in every body, but the immune system is designed to kill them off before they have a chance to multiply and grow into tumors. However, an immune system overwhelmed by toxins may not do this effectively – hence, the development of cancer.

Because cancer cells have a poorer tolerance to heat than healthy cells, infrared light is just the ticket to kill them off – and stop potential cancers in their tracks. Dr Rolf Issels, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of Munich, notes that the heat produced in an infrared sauna can create “heat shock” proteins on the surfaces of cancer cells, causing them to be more vulnerable to attack by the immune system.

Heat therapy can help reduce the size of existing tumors

Research shows that heat therapy via infrared sauna activates natural killer cells, T-cells and macrophages – the body’s natural cancer-fighting defense troops. Raising body heat can speed the death of tumors, as well as helping clear the body of carcinogens that contributed to their formation in the first place.

Hyperthermia, or heat therapy, is acknowledged by the American Cancer Society as a “promising” way to improve cancer treatment, while the National Cancer Institute reports heat therapy has been shown to reduce tumor size is some cases.

In a review published in Lancet Oncology in 2002, researchers noted that heat therapy has shown a beneficial effect in controlling certain types of cancer – such as breast cancer and malignant melanoma – and boosting survival rates in patients.

But when it comes to treating cancer, an infrared sauna is not a magic bullet, or even a “single” bullet. It is merely one weapon in the cancer-fighting arsenal. Both mainstream and holistic practitioners agree: heat therapy must be combined with other forms of cancer treatment, for best results.

Infrared saunas use multiple actions to fight cancer

In addition to killing cancer cells outright, infrared saunas combat cancer by helping to improve oxygen-carrying blood flow – important because cancer cells can’t thrive in high-oxygen environments. Infrared saunas also promote weight loss and fight obesity – another anti-cancer effect, due to the fact that cancer-producing hormones and carcinogens accumulate in fatty tissues.

Other beneficial and chemoprotective effects of infrared sauna include increased wound healing, increased production of beneficial nitric oxide, and improved blood flow through dilation and widening of arteries.

Say “goodbye” to heavy metals and other dangerous toxins

Infrared saunas promote sweating that helps detoxify the body from heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, cadmium and nickel – along with industrial chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides. And they do it more effectively than traditional saunas. While sweat generated in a conventional hot rock sauna has been found to consist of 95 to 97 percent water, the sweat produced by infrared saunas contains only 80 to 85 percent water.

This means that the remaining 15 to 20 percent of the sweat should represent toxins that have been cleared from the system. And this fact was proven, in spades – the remainder was found to be laden with toxins such as heavy metals, sulfuric acid, uric acid and excess sodium – demonstrating that infrared saunas are more effective at eliminating toxins from the body.

And, by helping toxins exit the body via the skin, infrared heat helps relieve the eliminatory and detoxifying burden on the kidneys and liver.

Of course, always consult a trusted, knowledgeable holistic practitioner before using any type of sauna – especially if you suffer from a chronic disease condition. When you have the go-ahead, plan to limit your initial sessions to 20 minutes to avoid dehydration, dizziness and faintness. Then, relax in the healing, soothing and detoxifying rays.

The far infrared sauna is one of the most popular modalities at GoodHealthGirlfriend for these reasons and more! Call to schedule a session today and experience the benefits for yourself!


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