Tell me all about it!
GoodHealthGirlfriend is a site meant to be a reliable resource for information and natural healthcare services. I want you to take control over your life and your health! None of us do things perfectly, but when you know better, you do better!
While conventional medicine can be great in the event of an emergency, it has gotten us into a lot of trouble where our health is concerned. Just becoming AWARE of that fact is a great start to making changes!
I'm not against conventional medicine but offer instead some knowledge about safe alternatives like how exercise has been proven to be as or more effective than antidepressant drugs for mild to moderate depression. And moving your body has no side effects! (well, maybe occasional soreness). We teach our son to "do the right thing, not the easy thing" and that applies to having good health. It IS so much easier to 'pop a pill' and hope to feel better than it is to make changes that require action on your part, but it's the RIGHT thing for you body, mind and spirit to do the work!
We realize that sometimes a truly integrative approach is the right answer for some people. All of our services add on nicely to other protocols and practices that your healthcare provider may already have you on. We have helped many cancer patients who chose to go the conventional treatment route to tolerate those very treatments. My own father got detox footbaths and used essential oils daily to help his body tolerate chemotherapy.
It feels good knowing that we offer nontoxic, safe adjunct therapies that allow us to come alongside people and help their bodies handle stress, toxins, and even bad choices.
I like to think about good health as a healthy, beautiful flower that has 5 petals on it. The petals are... Move, Nourish, Grow, Connect, and Flow. Intentionally working on doing each of those things properly will create strength and resilience in the flower. The healthy flower has leaves of Community and Laughter contributing to its health. When it's rooted in good soil of faith, kindness, gratitude, and love, it will live a long, happy, healthy life! A sad, droopy, unhealthy flower may have petals that are labeled Shallow Breathing, Stress, Standard American Diet, Sedentary Lifestyle, Toxins, and Focus-on-the-Negative. Its leaves would likely be Isolation and Anger. Our goal at GHG is to help us all be happy, healthy, vibrant, beautiful flowers of life! And we CAN do it! It just takes knowledge, choice, determination, and support! Thanks for letting me be even a little bit of that support for you in your growth journey!
Be BLESSED, not stressed!