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Genius Quantum Biofeedback FAQs

What is Quantum Biofeedback?

It is a method of energetic testing and customized harmonizing. The goal is to inspire your body to remember to be healthy and to employ all of your inner resources to achieve that goal.


The biofeedback software uses frequencies to strengthen your brain instantly and detect stressors in the body.  It then emits a healthy pattern back to your body, and balances the body at the subtle energy level.


These divine frequencies resonate with your body, mind, and spirit.

A Quantum Biofeedback Assessment shows where your body has energetic stress disturbances. Eastern medicine believes that all disease starts first as a blockage of energy somewhere in the body.  If we can clear the stress disturbances (through "entrainment" of frequencies), the body is free to enjoy optimal balanced health and may never manifest physical issues!  A biofeedback session gives you an instant picture of your energy field. 

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How does the Genius access our Energetic Fingerprint?

The sophisticated and proprietary voice engine software in the Genius Insight assesses many qualities of your voice. It then converts that information to a wave form that can be further interpreted by the Genius Insight as frequency. This frequency is compared to various Hz frequencies in the Genius.  A working knowledge of the coherent frequencies of organs, chakras, meridians and other known frequencies is then used to program the frequencies stored within the Genius and used in the various panels.


How accurate is the Information?

Biofeedback is not a diagnostic tool for any medical condition or disease. Its only function is to identify where there is reactivity in the energy field, and then feed back frequencies that can assist in clearing the reactivity. Think of this as trying to tune into a radio station but you hear static. The role of biofeedback is to clear the static so that your frequency comes in loud and clear. Reducing reactivity often results in experiencing more vitality, more energy, more clarity of mind, etc.


Library Examples

In addition to the main frequency panels, there are additional libraries for further assessment and exploration. These help dig deeper into the root of imbalances, allowing you to directly target a specific issue that is a concern to you, as well as assess the most energetically compatible supplements, remedies, and even lifestyle strategies. The possibilities are endless! 


ADD and ADHD                         Candida                            Menopause

Addiction                                    Cholesterol                      Metabolism

Adrenals                                     Dental Issues                   Microbiome

Affirmations                               Depression                      Nervous System

Anxiety                                        Digestion                          Parasites

Autism                                         Food Intolerances          Relationship Repair

Autoimmune                              Heart Health                   Vessel Health

Blood Pressure                          Insomnia                          Weight Release

Blood Sugar Handling              Kidney Health                  

Breast Health                             Liver Health                     and more... 

Cancer Prevention                    Love Healing Codes                                                                                



How Many Sessions Do I Need In Order To Feel Any Improvement?

Sessions are best done at regular intervals (more frequently in the beginning). 8-12 sessions in total - depending on what we are trying to achieve.  Many users report breakthroughs of all sorts around the 7th session. The more you expose yourself to the healthful frequencies, the more you will shift your own energy field as you "entrain" your energy to those energies.

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