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Lemon essential oil is uplifting and its antiseptic properties make it an ideal oil for post winter season as it is one of the main oils used to help cleanse and invigorate the liver. Massaged into the belly, lemon oil helps detoxify the liver and relieve congestion after the inactivity of winter. It is a great liver tonic and strengthener.


The oil is first squeezed from the skin and then the essential oil is centrifugally extracted. It is important that all of the ingredients squeezed from the skin is used in order to get a proper balance of chemicals to make the oil therapeutically effective. Because of its highly volatile nature, the shelf life for lemon oil (as with all citrus essential oils) is 8 to 10 months, and is best refrigerated, as it is sensitive to heat and light.


The chemical compound limonene is a wonderful disinfectant and is found in most household cleaners, although the scent used is usually extracted from lemongrass because these plants are more cost effective when used in massive quantities. One lemon tree can produce maybe 200 lbs. of fruit in one year which will yield about 1 lb. of essential oil-– that’s approximately fifteen hundred lemons to make one pound of oil! It takes far less lemongrass to get the same scent, but the highly therapeutic advantages are lost.


Lemon oil is noted for killing germs on work surfaces (especially good when rubbed on wooden cutting boards) and when diffused will destroy airborne germs, especially staphylococcus. Hospitals in Europe regularly use lemon oil to reduce the chance of viruses spreading and causing epidemics.


Lemon essential oil can be used as a gargle (2 to 3 drops in half a glass of warm water) to reduce the inflammation of swollen glands and mouth ulcers, and it relieves the sore throat pain associated with colds and flu. It is an excellent immune system strengthener as it helps build white blood cells. It also aids in the formation of red blood cells and can be helpful for arteriosclerosis and tissue degeneration like varicose veins. Lemon in water is a great heart tonic. Taken internally, lemon produces an alkaline reaction in the body therefore is helpful with gout, heartburn and in some cases can relieve the pain and swelling of arthritis and rheumatism.


Externally, the oil can be rubbed on insect bites to reduce swelling and take away the itch. Lemon can be added to shampoos to reduce dandruff and dry scalp, and is especially good for blondes as it has the added benefit of lightening hair color naturally. In a bath it can relieve the itching of eczema as well as reduce the inflammation of measles and other childhood diseases that cause spots. The essential oil when massaged onto the skin can neutralize body odor (and is especially effective for cancer patients as it also helps strengthen morale and lift depressed, fearful spirits).


Psychologically, the lemon scent lifts the spirits and aids in mental fatigue. When burned in an aroma lamp or diffuser, it can help in increasing memory and concentration and is essential to have around during exam time. It is said to aid in decision making, especially during psychological turmoil. Because of its calming yet invigorating ability it works well with anxiety and nervousness and allows the body to be at rest while remaining alert. When “burning the midnight oil”, why not burn lemon essential oil?!?



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