Lavender is one of the most cleansing of essential oils, both physically and emotionally. It is used for its relaxing and calming qualities.
On a physical level, lavender is antiseptic, antitoxic, antispasmodic, sedative and antibacterial. Best known for relieving headaches and migraines, lavender can be gently rubbed directly on the temples or a cool compress soaked in lavender water can be applied to the brow or forehead.
In massage, it is wonderful for soothing overworked, tense muscles, as it clears out the acidic buildup and relieves the aching, burning feeling. With arthritis, lavender helps to remove and cleanse acids from inflamed joints and cool the surrounding area.
Because it relaxes and calms the mind, it is a great help when pressured or overwhelmed by responsibility. If you feel your shoulders creeping up around your ears from tension, then lavender is the perfect oil to use to de-stress. Bathing in lavender or diffusing it can set up a blissful, euphoric atmosphere, allowing the stress to just melt away. Panic attacks, irrational fears, anxiety, depression and aggression are greatly eased with this essential oil, which can also help with insomnia as it is a great carminative and sedative. Insomnia is relieved by placing a few drops of lavender on a tissue by the pillow at night or by putting drops in an oil diffuser before retiring. Hypertension, nervous tension, PMS and other stress-related conditions all call for lavender’s assistance.
Lavender is also good for skin complaints because of its anti-bacterial properties and can be applied directly onto the skin for problems such as acne, sunburn, eczema, dandruff and open wounds. It even worked on my hormonal acne breakouts! By encouraging white blood cell formation and keeping down infection, lavender can assist in forming healthy scar-free tissue. And its soothing effects aid in reducing the energetic trauma in the affected area. Lavender is good for most skin problems— the essential oil is great for control of acne and can be applied directly onto the spots 2 to 3 times a day. Also useful for sunburn, dry skin and dandruff, lavender oil can be added to shampoos, skin creams and compresses. Applied directly to a burn, it can instantly reduce the pain and prevent blistering.
By strengthening the blood, this oil can also stimulate the immune system, allowing for quicker recovery from illness and more resilience against infection.
Because it is the least toxic of all the essential oils, lavender can be used in a child’s bath before bedtime to help calm and quiet them. 5 to 8 drops in the water will soothe and balance out emotions allowing the mind to release any aggression or anxiety and be at peace. It is brilliant for panic attacks or any fear that raises blood pressure and can help nervous heart disorders. Good for people with high blood pressure or heart palpitations because of worry, stress and nervousness, lavender can bring balance to the emotions and peace to the mind.
Lavender is known for its antiseptic properties because it is high in linalool, a chemical known for its antibacterial effect on the body. Lavender can aid in respiratory and sinus complaints. A lavender/tea tree combination is helpful in decongesting the lungs and releasing cough spasms. Respiratory conditions such as asthma, throat infections, coughs and catarrh have been eased with lavender steam inhalations or with gargling (tea tree added to this gargle is even more effective). Digestive disorders like abdominal cramps, colic and flatulence can be soothed by massaging lavender onto the belly in a clockwise direction, or by bathing in a warm calming bath of lavender in the water.