Understanding Energy Medicine
Energy medicine can be considered to be the therapeutic use of frequencies. Those frequencies or energy could be produced by a variety of technologies. When we are exposed to frequencies, we are influenced by them. This is known as resonance. Human systems, including hormones, neurotransmitters and others are responding constantly to frequency communication in the body.
We are also influenced by external frequencies. These can be positive or negative in their effects on the body. (Just think of a "high-vibration" person in your life and how you feel when you're around them..... or that "low-vibration" person that we all know and how we feel when we spend even a little time with them!)
From Dr. Masuru Emoto’s work, we know that when water is in the presence of classical music, for example, the water takes on an organized crystal structure. Likewise, when we expose our body to positive frequencies in biofeedback, we are affected in a similar way as the water. We begin to be influenced by these positive frequencies and our cells can take on this coherent structure. If the cells become more organized and coherent, it follows that the vitality of the body will follow as well. This is the goal of "running frequencies" in biofeedback. It's also the result of prayer, positive thoughts, stretching and yoga, walking barefoot on the grass or sand, etc.