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Kicking the Sugar Habit

By now we all know that we should eliminate sugar from our diets, right? So why don’t we? Eliminating sugar IS hard, but it will improve your health in so many ways!

Understand that sugar:

  • Depresses immunity

  • Affects mood and encourages anxiety for certain individuals

  • Depletes mineral stores

  • Causes hyperactivity, irritability and anxiety in some children

  • Interferes with the absorption of calcium and magnesium

  • Contributes to obesity and weight gain

  • Promotes tooth decay

  • Aggravates premenstrual symptoms

  • Accelerates aging

  • May cause addiction

So you’re convinced, but don’t know how to do it? Here are some basic things you can do..

  • Consume protein with every meal and snack

  • Add high quality fat to your diet

  • Opt for whole fruit during sugar fits

  • Supplement with L-glutamine

  • Increase your magnesium intake (I take 250mg every night before bed – some forms will help you sleep & poop too!)

If you need more help, here are 6 more tips for negating sugar cravings:

1. Assess and improve you chromium intake.

Chromium aids in blood sugar stabilization which reduces sugar cravings. Try supplementing with a daily dose of 200 mcg of chromium picolinate. You can also opt for whole food sources of chromium such as brewer’s yeast, grass-fed liver (I know – ewww!), wild oysters and pasture-raised eggs.

2. Check your zinc status.

Obsessive food tendencies such as anorexia, bulimia or binging may be the result of a zinc deficiency. Try adding additional zinc to your diet in the form of wild oysters, ginger root, grass-fed beef, pumpkin seeds and brazil nuts (also great for hormone balance). If you don’t notice much difference, you may also incorporate 25-50 mg of supplemental zinc each day.

3. Keep the great white enemy out of your house!

Designate your home a sugar-free zone. Dispose of any sugar-laden junk food you have lingering in your cupboards.

Why not decide that indulging in sweet treats is a special occasion to be enjoyed only outside of the house? This will encourage you to savor and maximize the experience ~ making it less likely that you will crave another sweet treat soon after.

Also don’t bring leftovers home! Tempting yourself is not constructive. It is likely to drain your willpower and will only make your journey more difficult.

4. Let our homemade chocolate bar help you go “cold turkey.”

Usually, I advise gradual change. However, due to the profoundly addictive nature of sugar, eliminating sugar “cold turkey” is the best way to go and gets the fastest results. This means no refined sugar for 14 days.

If the cravings are too great and you’re getting discouraged (and the whole fruit is not cutting it), try making a “good-for-you” homemade chocolate bar to help take the edge off. Of course, it isn’t going to taste like a Snickers bar, but it’s tasty and may be just the thing to help you in a pinch! Ingredients:

  • 1-3 Tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil

  • 1-2 tablespoons raw cacao powder

  • A pinch of organic, whole leaf stevia to taste (try a different brand if you haven't liked it in the past)

  • Chopped almonds, cashews, or brazil nuts

  • Unrefined Sea Salt

  • Optional: A few organic blueberries


  1. Melt all ingredients in a pan over very low heat.

  2. Once melted, taste to be sure it’s perfect.

  3. Tweak your masterpiece. For increased chocolate flavor, add more cacao. For extra sweetness, add stevia. You may also sprinkle a few blueberries into the mix for added flavor.


  1. Pour onto parchment paper or aluminum foil with the edges folded up to prevent the mixture from running over the sides.

  2. Place in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

  3. Enjoy a small section whenever your sugar cravings rear their ugly heads.

5. Move your body!

Exercise can take you from feeling down-trodden and desperate for sugar to upbeat, satisfied and ready for action. In fact, research has shown that exercise is as effective as antidepressants for moderate depression. Anytime your sweet tooth comes calling, try 100 jumping jacks or a brisk 15-20 minute walk outside.

6. Become a sugar snob.

Although it may be unrealistic that you never eat sugar again, be sure to only indulge in sugary treats that you absolutely LOVE. Also, always opt for the highest quality version you can find.

For example, if you love chocolate, versions that exceed 70% or higher cacao content are the better option. The higher cacao content is full of antioxidants and typically lower in sugar (though I’ll admit – I’m not a fan of dark chocolates).

Although it is initially painful, eliminating refined sugar is one of the best things you can do to dramatically and immediately improve the state of your health. I hope these tips help you experience more good health!

Tina D


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