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Beyond Black Friday Sale!

We are ready EARLY this year! WOO! HOO!

Get your GHG Gift Certificates Now - Nov. 30th!

Call, text, or email to order your gift certificate(s).

Pay with Venmo, Cash, Check, or Credit Card (3% fee)

Arrange for pick up, have them mailed to you, or we can send a digital note announcing the gift and the details.

Purchase a Gift Certificate for any dollar amount or for specific services!

DOUBLE DETOX:  Get 2 Detox Footbaths for just $50  .............................................. (detoxing together = love)


DETOX DELUXE: Get a Detox Foobath + an Infrared Sauna Session for only $45  (both services must be redeemed on same day.)


HOLIDAY HEALTH TUNES:  Receive $35 off a 6-pack of Genius remote energy health scans (reg. $203)



     "GENIUS APP-ETIZING DEAL":  Receive $20 off the Genius Quanta Capsule phone app ("reg. $65)


     "ON A CHRISTMAS QUEST":  Enjoy $50 off your first Bio-Energetic Test with the QEST4! (reg. $147)


BONUS GIFT:  Spend $100+ on GHG Gift Certificates and receive a free 5ml bottle of our custom "Gratitude & Love" Christmas blend of high quality, pure essential oils. (A customer favorite!)



Don't miss out! Order today!             330.714.2520

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Good Health

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IIN Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Certified EFT practitioner

Tel: 330-714-2520

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200 Hour Certified Yoga Teacher


Certified Meridian Stress Analysis Bio-Energetic Testing Technician

© 2023 Good Health Girlfriend.


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